Tag: attack framework

  • RegreSSHion Exploit

    After you’ve checked for RegreSSHion bug check on your servers openSSH protocol, (there is a list of vulnerable devices out there btw, over 2.5 million), be sure to check out this code exploit. (RegreSSHion Ip Scanner tool here ) Will this become the cve-2024-6387 exploit ? (Try it locally only!) RegreSSHion exploit code written in…

  • att&ck Framework

    The MITRE ATT&CK framework, a groundbreaking initiative introduced in 2015, has emerged as a linchpin in the field of cybersecurity. Computer Weekly hails it as “the free, globally accessible service that offers comprehensive and current cyber security threat information” to organizations, underscoring its pivotal role in navigating the intricate landscape of digital security. Simultaneously, TechTarget…