Wireshark Internal Network Pentest

In the intricate landscape of cybersecurity, the significance of using wireshark is paramount, and this is my post on wireshark internal network pentest.

Also read my post on tcp/ip in pentesting, – here – and my post on the best internal network pentest tools – here.

These simulated cyberattacks serve as a proactive strategy, enabling organizations to identify and remedy vulnerabilities within their internal infrastructure. In this ever-evolving quest for robust defenses, Wireshark emerges as an invaluable ally. As an open-source network protocol analyzer, Wireshark empowers cybersecurity professionals to capture, analyze, and decipher the complexities of network traffic. Let’s embark on a comprehensive journey to unravel how Wireshark elevates the art of internal network pentests to new heights.


The Pivotal Role of Wireshark Internal Network Pentest

Wireshark, renowned for its versatility and power, assumes a pivotal role in the toolkit of cybersecurity professionals engaged in internal network pentests. Its capacity to capture, filter, and interpret network packets provides unparalleled insights into the dynamics of communication within an organization’s internal network. Let’s embark on a comprehensive journey to unravel how Wireshark elevates the art of internal network pentests to new heights.

Capturing Network Traffic on a Wireshark Internal Network Pentest

Wireshark’s primary function lies in capturing and dissecting network packets, exposing the essence of communication traversing the internal network. Activating network interfaces in promiscuous mode enables Wireshark to capture all packets, providing a granular perspective crucial for understanding communication patterns.

# Command to capture packets on a specific interface with [Wireshark](https://www.wireshark.org/)
sudo tcpdump -i <interface> -w captured_packets.pcap
# Analyze the captured file with [Wireshark](https://www.wireshark.org/)
wireshark captured_packets.pcap

Identifying Anomalies and Vulnerabilities: Wireshark as the Sherlock Holmes of Packets

Within the realm of internal network pentests, cybersecurity professionals adopt a detective’s mindset, utilizing Wireshark to pinpoint anomalies and potential vulnerabilities in network traffic. Unusual patterns, unexpected protocols, or spikes in traffic become breadcrumbs leading to potential security issues.

# Filter [Wireshark](https://www.wireshark.org/) display to show only HTTP traffic

Authentication and Authorization Testing: Unveiling Access Control Mysteries

Wireshark emerges as a vital tool for authentication and authorization testing. Scrutinizing packet headers allows security professionals to validate access controls, user privileges, and authentication mechanisms, ensuring they function as intended and prevent unauthorized access.

# Filter [Wireshark](https://www.wireshark.org/) display to show only SSH traffic

Network Mapping and Discovery: Charting the Uncharted Terrain

Effective internal network pentests often require meticulous network mapping to understand the structure and potential entry points for attackers. Wireshark aids in this process by revealing devices, IP addresses, and communication paths within the network.

# Display ARP requests to identify devices in the network

Remediating Vulnerabilities with Wireshark Insights: A Surgical Approach to Security Enhancement

Wireshark ‘s insights become a potent surgical instrument for cybersecurity professionals post-internal network pentest. Identified vulnerabilities pave the way for remediation efforts, and Wireshark validates the effectiveness of applied patches, configuration changes, or updated security measures.

Real-time Monitoring for Ongoing Security: Wireshark as the Guardian Angel of Networks

Wireshark‘s real-time monitoring capabilities allow organizations to stay vigilant against potential threats even after the completion of an internal network pentest. Continuous monitoring, facilitated by Wireshark, detects and responds to emerging security issues promptly.

# Monitor traffic in real-time with [Wireshark](https://www.wireshark.org/)
sudo tshark -i <interface> -n -T fields -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e tcp.port

Educating Teams on Wireshark Mastery: Nurturing the Guardians of Security

In the context of internal network pentests, education becomes a linchpin. Empowering cybersecurity teams with the mastery of Wireshark is paramount. Training programs that include hands-on experience with the tool enhance the team’s ability to detect and respond to security incidents.

Traffic Types You’ll Find with Wireshark :

No.Traffic TypeDescriptionWiki Link
1HTTPHypertext Transfer ProtocolLink
2HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol SecureLink
3DNSDomain Name SystemLink
4TCPTransmission Control ProtocolLink
5UDPUser Datagram ProtocolLink
6ICMPInternet Control Message ProtocolLink
7SMTPSimple Mail Transfer ProtocolLink
8FTPFile Transfer ProtocolLink
9SSHSecure ShellLink
10TelnetTelnet ProtocolLink
11ARPAddress Resolution ProtocolLink
12SNMPSimple Network Management ProtocolLink
13RDPRemote Desktop ProtocolLink
14ICMPv6Internet Control Message Protocol version 6Link
15POP3Post Office Protocol version 3Link
16IMAPInternet Message Access ProtocolLink
17NTPNetwork Time ProtocolLink

Wireshark – The Maestro in the Symphony of Cybersecurity

In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, internal network pentests, fueled by Wireshark mastery, propel organizations to proactively address vulnerabilities. This symbiotic relationship between Wireshark and internal network pentests exemplifies a proactive approach, keeping organizations several steps ahead of potential threats in the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. As we navigate the complexities of network security, the

mastery of Wireshark emerges as a beacon, guiding cybersecurity professionals through the depths of internal network pentests with unparalleled expertise and finesse.