Golang Penetration Testing

Internal network penetration testing is a crucial aspect of cybersecurity that helps organizations identify vulnerabilities within their internal network infrastructure. By simulating real-world attack scenarios, security professionals can uncover weaknesses and recommend appropriate mitigation strategies.

Go (Golang) is an excellent language for network penetration testing due to its strong networking capabilities, concurrent programming model, and cross-platform support. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use Go to perform various tasks commonly associated with internal network pentesting.

Network Discovery

The first step in an internal network pentest is to discover active hosts and services on the network. We’ll use Go to create a simple port scanner that can help identify open ports on target systems.

package main

import (

func scanPort(ip string, port int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip, port)
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", address, 1*time.Second)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Port %d is open\n", port)

func main() {
ip := "" // Replace with target IP
var wg sync.WaitGroup

for port := 1; port <= 1024; port++ {
go scanPort(ip, port, &wg)


This code demonstrates a basic concurrent port scanner. It attempts to establish a TCP connection to each port from 1 to 1024 on the specified IP address. If the connection succeeds, it means the port is open, and the program reports it.

Key points:

  • We use goroutines to scan ports concurrently, improving speed.
  • A WaitGroup is used to ensure all goroutines complete before the program exits.
  • The net.DialTimeout function is used to attempt connections with a 1-second timeout.

To expand this into a full network discovery tool, you could:

  1. Implement IP range scanning to cover entire subnets.
  2. Add service version detection for open ports.
  3. Incorporate OS fingerprinting techniques.

2. Vulnerability Scanning

Once we’ve identified active hosts and services, the next step is to check for known vulnerabilities. While comprehensive vulnerability scanning often requires specialized tools, we can implement basic checks in Go.

Here’s an example of how you might check for a specific vulnerability (in this case, a hypothetical vulnerable service on port 8080):

Copy Codepackage main

import (

func checkVulnerability(ip string) {
	url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:8080/version", ip)
	resp, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error checking %s: %v\n", ip, err)
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error reading response from %s: %v\n", ip, err)

	if strings.Contains(string(body), "Version 1.2.3") {
		fmt.Printf("Vulnerable version found on %s\n", ip)

func main() {
	ips := []string{"", "", ""} // Replace with actual IPs
	for _, ip := range ips {

This script checks a list of IP addresses for a hypothetical vulnerable service running on port 8080. It looks for a specific version number in the response, which is assumed to be vulnerable.

To create a more comprehensive vulnerability scanner:

  1. Implement checks for multiple known vulnerabilities.
  2. Use a database of vulnerability signatures (e.g., CVE database).
  3. Add support for different protocols (not just HTTP).
  4. Implement more sophisticated payload delivery and response analysis.

3. Credential Testing

Weak or default credentials are a common vulnerability in internal networks. Let’s create a simple tool to test for weak SSH credentials:

Copy Codepackage main

import (

func trySSHLogin(ip, username, password string) bool {
	config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
		User: username,
		Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
		HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(),
		Timeout:         5 * time.Second,

	client, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", ip+":22", config)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	defer client.Close()
	return true

func main() {
	ip := "" // Replace with target IP
	usernames := []string{"admin", "root", "user"}
	passwords := []string{"password", "123456", "admin123"}

	for _, username := range usernames {
		for _, password := range passwords {
			if trySSHLogin(ip, username, password) {
				fmt.Printf("Successful login: %s:%s\n", username, password)
	fmt.Println("No successful logins")

This script attempts to log in to an SSH server using a list of common usernames and passwords. It’s a basic example of a credential stuffing attack, which is often used in penetration testing to identify weak credentials.

Important considerations:

  • This is a simplified example. In a real pentest, you’d use a much larger list of credentials and target multiple hosts.
  • Always ensure you have explicit permission before performing credential testing on any systems you don’t own.
  • Be aware of account lockout policies that might be triggered by multiple failed login attempts.

4. Network Traffic Analysis

Analyzing network traffic can reveal valuable information about the internal network structure, protocols in use, and potential vulnerabilities. Go provides libraries for packet capture and analysis. Here’s a simple example using the gopacket library:

Copy Codepackage main

import (

func main() {
	// Open the network interface for capturing
	handle, err := pcap.OpenLive("eth0", 1600, true, pcap.BlockForever)
	if err != nil {
	defer handle.Close()

	// Set filter to capture only TCP traffic
	err = handle.SetBPFFilter("tcp")
	if err != nil {

	packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
	for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
		// Process each packet

This script captures TCP packets on the “eth0” interface and prints them. In a real pentest scenario, you’d want to:

  1. Analyze packet contents for sensitive information.
  2. Look for unusual traffic patterns or protocols.
  3. Identify potential lateral movement opportunities.
  4. Detect signs of malware communication.

Additional Considerations for Internal Network Pentesting with Go

Privilege Escalation

Once you’ve gained initial access to a system, privilege escalation is often the next step. While the specific techniques depend on the target operating system, you can use Go to automate common privilege escalation checks:

  1. Enumerate installed software and versions.
  2. Check for misconfigured permissions on files and directories.
  3. Look for exposed sensitive information (e.g., in config files).
  4. Identify running processes and their privileges.

Lateral Movement

In internal network pentests, lateral movement is crucial. You can use Go to:

  1. Implement network pivoting techniques.
  2. Automate the exploitation of vulnerabilities across multiple hosts.
  3. Develop custom tools for maintaining access and evading detection.

Data Exfiltration

Simulating data exfiltration is often part of a pentest to assess an organization’s ability to detect and prevent unauthorized data transfer. With Go, you can:

  1. Implement various exfiltration techniques (e.g., DNS tunneling, steganography).
  2. Test the effectiveness of data loss prevention (DLP) systems.
  3. Measure maximum achievable exfiltration speeds without detection.

Reporting and Documentation

Automated reporting is crucial for efficient pentesting. Consider developing Go tools to:

  1. Aggregate and analyze results from various testing phases.
  2. Generate formatted reports with findings and recommendations.
  3. Create visualizations of the network structure and identified vulnerabilities.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

When conducting internal network penetration testing with Go (or any other tools), it’s crucial to adhere to ethical and legal guidelines:

  1. Always obtain explicit written permission before testing.
  2. Clearly define the scope of the test and stick to it.
  3. Be cautious about potential damage or disruption to systems and data.
  4. Handle any sensitive information discovered during testing with utmost care.
  5. Provide clear and actionable reports to help improve security.


Go provides a powerful platform for developing custom internal network penetration testing tools. Its strong typing, concurrent programming model, and extensive standard library make it well-suited for tasks ranging from network discovery to vulnerability exploitation.

The examples provided here are simplified for clarity and educational purposes. In a real-world scenario, you’d need to develop more sophisticated tools, implement proper error handling, and consider the specific requirements and constraints of the target environment.

Remember that penetration testing is a complex field that requires a deep understanding of networking, operating systems, and security principles. The code examples and techniques discussed here should be used responsibly and only in environments where you have explicit permission to test.

As you develop your Go-based pentesting toolkit, always stay updated on the latest security trends, vulnerabilities, and best practices. Continuous learning and adaptation are key to effective and responsible penetration testing.